Annu Gautam is an amazing student with dreams in her eyes who wants to fly high and encourages others to fly as well. Annu is an 8th class student who has won and participated in many district and block level competitions. She has won an all India online dance competition in the pandemic and...
In last few years, Sikrara block successfully transformed its school infrastructure with modern and technical standards. Credit goes to the leadership of Mr. Rajeev and his team of creative teachers. As the story of Swadesh 2.O, the Sikrara Model is becoming popular among people, they are eager to know more about the education system...
Your Knowledge is of no use unless it educate the people and Teaching is not a profession, it’s a duty of nation. Youths of UP are doing such a duty of educating the poor children. Belonging to the village Lakhesar, Jaunpur, Sikrara, UP, Neha Mishra is a student herself. At the age of 25...