In the month of March 2020 when the school got close and I was unable to go to school to teach my students then I took an initiative and decided them to teach online for that I was having very few active contacts. Then I started to pay visits to their homes with few of active peer leaders of my class.
The parents and kids were excited to know that I am going to teach them online. Some were not happy too but it didn’t bother me because the positives were more than the negatives so it boosted my moral too thus I have collected many numbers.
My online classes are running successfully since 8th of April 2020 and after few days, it became mandatory from the officials special mentions to our BSA SIR for motivating and guiding us.
I have started my class by phone calls and WhatsApp classes as my students belong to a low Income category and the parents do not have that much of knowledge thus they are not capable of taking online classes through any kind of app.
So keeping this in mind I have made many videos on different chapters with the help of Diksha app and online contents.
I have conducted online activities/ tests such as
In this segment students use to perform YOGA on daily basis to live a healthy and hygeinic life to fight against CORONA.
This is a test series in which students are asked to solve the worksheet and puzzles .
Many of my students were still not taking part in the online studies to encourage them I have started this test series where I use to display the winners list on weekly basis.
As we all know CORONA is a Pandemic and awareness is the only key to be safe in this situation so this awareness program is getting run by me on a weekly basis where quiz show and test series as well as song performance and drawing competition were held to create the awareness.
I have created many worksheets, online tests and competitions for my kids to increase their knowledge and make their concepts clear about the topics and chapters.
None wants this situation to come back in life again but yes this situation has given me a chance to know me better and do better I am happy that I could deliver and still delivering my best in this challenging situation.
As a famous quote says:
If opportunity does not knock build a door.
So I am building a door of knowledge for my students.
Parma Biswas
PS Jansa, Varanasi
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Unknown - June 24, 2020
Motivating platform for us.